Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Training 150 days

Today was a great day. It started off a little on the rough side. I wanted put more air in my bike tires, always good to ride with the correct pressure! In the process of trying to put more air in, the tire went flat. Try as I might I just couldn't get any air in. So, over to the 75 cents per half a second air at S.A. while bringing the bike over the valve stem went down almost into the tire, I couldn't pull it out, then my 75 cents runs out. Put more coins in & try to get the job done because I still have another tire to get air in. That done I ride back home and get ready for the run and ride. On the ride down I decide that time will not allow the run, I will just ride.
The Boston Terriers have hit Rockstar status. I rode around the Lake twice and each time I saw them they were stopped talking to someone else, it must take them a couple hours to get around the Lake. They know everyone. Also, today I had the frustration of the walkers and runners that insist that the BIKE PATH is for them too. I decided to kind of swerve at this woman that wanted to walk next to her friend which put her over into my path. She thankfully moved out of the way but as they say, you can't fix stupid. Why is it so hard to understand the outline of a bike with arrows on the path. I will not get this worked up over the walking on the bike path but this was the first time out for me on the bike. I must go to Harriet where there is control of this kind of thing.
Thanks for the chat & I will talk to you later.

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